IZ Adaptive was born of creative passion, love, and the recognition that there was a great need in the world for stylish, well fitting, comfortable clothes for people who were living with physical disabilities.

It is our mission to provide timeless adaptive clothing to as many people as possible so that they can live in comfort, style, dignity and empowerment. Within the enormous and ever expanding fashion world, there are relatively few options for those in our global community that identify as living with a physical disability.

The IZ Adaptive timeless classics have the day-to-day physical realities of our customers at the forefront of our thinking, from the cut of our jeans so to prevent bunching and discomfort, to the Ease-of-Dress of our coats. Whether seated or standing, we have something for you and we invite you to try on your perfect fit.


At IZ Adaptive, we believe in quality, connection and compassion. We strive to foster this in our work place, in how we make our clothes, and in our relationships with both our customers and our suppliers. This is what family is all about.

It’s about the basics. The building blocks. The essentials. Having these things in place makes for a better world, and a better wardrobe, where dignity, comfort and style weave and knit into the perfect fit.


Finding the ‘Perfect Fit’ has a significance to us all, but for each individual it means something different. Whether it’s finding the perfect fit in a pair of jeans that make you feel like a million dollars or that friend you can fully be yourself around… it could be your sport, a hobby or sharing your passion.

We asked some incredible individuals the question ‘What’s your perfect fit?’, and we are excited to share their responses with you.

We want to hear YOUR story. We’d love you to share with the world what the ‘Perfect Fit’ means to you. Upload a 30-60 second video on Instagram using the following guidelines:
1- Follow @izadaptive on Instagram
2- Upload a 30-60 second video of what the ‘Perfect Fit’ means to you. Get creative and have fun with it
3- Tag us and a friend in your video’s caption
4- Include “What’s your #perfectfit?” in the caption
5- Tell your friends about this giveaway

Each month we will pick one lucky winner for a $50 gift card for the submission.

*Limit of one submission per person per month

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